real estate search engine based on travel duration
search real estate near your places
A perfect real estate with a shortest commute. Possible! Our patented technology lets you search for real estate properties, from which your commute to work will be shortest. For example, you can search for an apartment of a required price for 3 people: two adults who travel to work by car and by public transport, and one child who walks to an elementary school.
Technology Brief: There can be a million real estate properties available on the market within your metropolis. Because the real estate properties that satisfy your requirements can be anywhere and manywhere, it is fundamentally hard to determine which of them are near places where your travel. Essentially, it is necessary to compute durations of travel between each real estate property and places where your travel. That's zillions of durations of travel. It's hard to compute even for Google Maps. However, we created a technology that accurately computes the durations of travel in just a blink of an eye! This dramatic effect is enabled by a novel technical feature. We call it "one-side representatives". It is patented and patent pending worldwide (PCT/US2019/017909). Our technology creates an unprecedented ability to perform a deep search of the entire real estate market based on duration of travel. So, you can be sure to select a perfect real estate with a shortest commute.
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